Thursday, December 19, 2013

Week 8

“Recognize that children and adults achieve their full potential in the context of relationships that are based on trust and respect.”
NAEYC. (2005, April). Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment.

I chose this quote because I firmly believe as an educator that it is our responsibility to allow children to achieve their fullest potential and have them feel successful. Through experience and research I have found that trusting and respecting children is the best way to do this. In my kindergarten class, I practice this daily and allow my students to explore and develop at their own pace to reach their fullest potential.

"To teach is to touch a life forever."
            -Anonymous Author

I have always loved this quote.  As a teacher, I touch the lives of my students every time I interact with them. It is my goal to have a positive impact on all the children in my care. By doing this, I can shape lives, which can have a lasting effect on society.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Week 6

“Standardized tests have been a part of American education since the mid-1800s. Their use skyrocketed after 2002's No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) mandated annual testing in all 50 states.” (, 2013).  The big question among so many educators is, are standardized tests benefiting American children? I believe it is important to do a multitude of assessments. It is important to do authentic and formal/standardized assessments. Some students may not show what they have learned through a standardized test. I know growing up that I had a lot of anxiety when tested formally and never showed my true potential. I was very lucky to have teachers that used authentic assessments; observed me in the classroom, looked at projects and homework, and did teacher created assessments. Assessments are needed in classrooms for teachers to know if students have mastered what is being taught. Sometimes a teacher thinks he/she is teaching content the best way possible but in reality the students do not understand and he/she needs to change the approach. The move to pay teachers based on standardized test scores is concerning to me. I do not believe teachers’ pay should be a reflection of this. I do understand some of the thought process to having standardized testing, but is important that all areas are being assessed on the same level and the same information.

I chose to research standardized testing in China. I chose China due to their known high scores on tests. In my research I found that China puts a lot of emphasis on standardized testing. A great example of this is the Gaokao standardized test. This test is taken very seriously. It determines whether or not a student will attend college. If a student does not do well on this test he/she will not be attending college. “Chinese teenagers spend 8-10 hours a day for four years in preparation. High School in China has one purpose: test prep. There is no curriculum outside of the test (which tests math, English, Chinese, as well as a chosen subject like chemistry or political correctness). There is no life outside of the test. It is a high stakes, No Child Left Behind dream” (Levy, 2011). I found that in China schools put a lot of emphasis on memorization and standardized testing. Teaching just to a test…is this really helping the Chinese culture? (2013). Is the Use of Standardized Tests Improving Education in

Levy, M. (2011). What I learned from China’s Schools. Retrieved from