Thursday, December 19, 2013

Week 8

“Recognize that children and adults achieve their full potential in the context of relationships that are based on trust and respect.”
NAEYC. (2005, April). Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment.

I chose this quote because I firmly believe as an educator that it is our responsibility to allow children to achieve their fullest potential and have them feel successful. Through experience and research I have found that trusting and respecting children is the best way to do this. In my kindergarten class, I practice this daily and allow my students to explore and develop at their own pace to reach their fullest potential.

"To teach is to touch a life forever."
            -Anonymous Author

I have always loved this quote.  As a teacher, I touch the lives of my students every time I interact with them. It is my goal to have a positive impact on all the children in my care. By doing this, I can shape lives, which can have a lasting effect on society.


  1. Staci,
    I have enjoyed our blog interactions. I appreciate your critical thinking and responses. You have caused me to look a bit deeper especially with the idea of assessments. I appreciate your blog posts as well. I find them warm and insightful. I look forward to following it as we journey as Early Childhood Professionals.

  2. Staci,

    I like both of your quotes. I am glad you recognize that children must learn at their own pace. The school system is so focused on learning that they forget to allow the child to have an opportunity to explore. Exploration is the way children learn about the world around them, if they cannot explore new things, then how will they learn? A child cannot reach his or her full potential if educators only allow the child to learn one way. Learning has many dimensions; it is our job to observe which one works best for the child, and allow him or her to set the pace for learning. We all touch the lives of children we encounter, whether bad or good. I strive for each of my encounters with children to be the best encounter they will ever have. Thank you for sharing your post.


  3. Staci,
    I like how you chose quotes that have a lot to do with relationships. I really believe that building relationships with our students helps them to be more successful in our classrooms. I also wanted to thank you for all of your insightful posts. I have enjoyed reading your blog and learned a lot from them over the last few weeks.

