Saturday, July 5, 2014

Week 1

Professional Contacts and Web Resources

When establishing my two professional contacts I first thought about personal contacts that I already have. My husband works overseas and has had the pleasure of meeting many people from different areas. I met a wife of one of his co-workers who is a teacher in Thailand. I am currently in the process of establishing a professional connection with his wife. I have been texting back and forth with her husband who is in Afghanistan and am waiting to receive her e-mail address.

For my second contact I used our blog resource link for this week’s assignment. After looking at several websites I chose to contact:

Narmandakh Adiya
I chose this contact because when looking over the website I read, “The Step by Step methodology is active in 267 classrooms and in 53 kindergarten rooms. Also, 300 teachers implementing the program deliver the concepts of child-centered methodology to over 1,355 kindergarten teachers through in-service training (Mongolian Foundation for Open Society Step by Step Program). ” This is interesting to me because I have been teaching kindergarten for 5 years and would love to learn about other kindergartens! I am currently in the process of establishing this connection and am looking forward to hearing back through email.

After reviewing Early Childhood related websites in the United States I chose to further explore the website Zero to Three National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families. I chose this website because infant and toddler development is close to my heart. The mission statement is one main reason I chose this website. “To ensure that all babies and toddlers have a strong start in life. We know that as babies, the way we are held, talked to and cared for teaches us about who we are and how we are valued. This profoundly shapes who we will become (Zero to Three National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families).” The website had a lot of great information on young children. Under each main tab (behavior & development, maltreatment, care & education, and public policy) there are several links with specialized information, which is great! There are also monthly newsletters that provide detailed information. I am excited to use this website to help further my education in early childhood studies.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Staci,
    It’s great that you have other resources to use to establish professional contacts. I have tried to establish contact with several individuals and I’m not sure what the out-come will be. I also chose Zero to Three organization. I do agree with their mission statement and their website offers great resources for early childhood parents and professionals. They have a great website and I hope you will find them to be a great added resource. Thanks for sharing and I’m looking forward to interacting with you through-out this course.
