Friday, July 11, 2014

Week 2

     Last week I selected the website “Zero to Three National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families” ( I chose this website because infant and toddler development is close to my heart. I have two sons, 3 years old and 10 months old. The mission statement and organization’s focus is one main reason I chose this website. “To ensure that all babies and toddlers have a strong start in life. We know that as babies, the way we are held, talked to and cared for teaches us about who we are and how we are valued. This profoundly shapes who we will become (Zero to Three National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families).” I am always looking for good resources professionally and personally. While researching this website I signed up for a monthly e-newsletter called, “From Baby to Big Kid.” This “e-newsletter offers researched-based information on how children learn and grow each month from birth to age 3. The monthly
e-newsletters include:
  • Age-based information about child development
  • In-depth articles on common child-rearing issues and challenges
  • Parent-child play activities that promote bonding and learning
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Research on child development and what it means for parents”
(Zero to Three, 2014)

     In the first e-newsletter that I was sent there were several topics featured. I chose to look closer at “Spotlight on: Listening Skills. Taking a closer look at how babies are now able to understand much more than ever before. These important listening (or receptive language) skills will help babies learn to use spoken language.” I chose this topic since language barriers have been a topic of discussion in this class. The website provides a developmental chart showing what babies can do and ways to connect with them. The website then discusses different listening skills a child should be performing at different months of age. In addition, the website provides ideas to help children develop strong language skills. I found this helpful because it gave specific fun activities to do with children which help promote language skills.


Zero to Three National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families (2014). Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Hello Staci,
    Great blog I also enjoy Zero to Three Organization, website and newsletters. I agree Zero to Three is a great website and offers wonderful resources. I did review the developmental chart the website offered for another discussion and other readings, thanks for sharing.
