Saturday, January 31, 2015

My Connections to Play

Two quotes that I feel summarize what play represented for my childhood are:
Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity.
Kay Redfield Jamison
Contemporary American professor of psychiatry

Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn.

O. Fred Donaldson
Contemporary American martial arts master

Three pictures of essential play items from my childhood are a play structure, dress up clothes, and a bike.
-I chose a picture of a play structure because I have many memories of playing on our structure with my brother, neighborhood kids, and all my cousins. I recall always being around family members and playing with other children. It is a special part of my childhood.
-I chose a picture of dress up clothes because I always loved playing dress up with my friends.
-I chose a bike because I remember being outside playing a lot. I loved riding my bike. My cousins lived close by and I remember riding my bike to their house to play.

My parents supported play when I was younger by providing opportunities for me to play even when life was stressful and busy. My parents also were involved in some of my play, which showed me that they valued play too.
Play is different than when I grew up because there are fewer opportunities, more structure, and less freedom. The economy has forced stress on families such as job responsibilities. This added stress has taken away time and energy for families and children to engage in play. After school activities and sports allow for little unstructured playtime. Now team sports start at a younger age than when I grew up. This issue of safety also has affected the freedom of play. Children of toady are not allowed as much freedom outside. We used to ride our bikes to our cousins house and around the neighborhood whereas today parents feel less secure letting their children “roam” unattended. My hope for children regarding play is that they are given many different opportunities to explore their world without unnecessary restrictions.
The role of play is critical in a child’s development. “Creative play is a central activity in the lives of healthy children. Play helps children weave together all the elements of life as they experience it. It allows them to digest life and make it their own. It is an outlet for the fullness of their creativity, and it is an absolutely critical part of their childhood. With creative play, children blossom and flourish; without it, they suffer a serious decline” (Almon 2002, p.1). As a parent and an educator I will continue to advocate for play in my children’s and student’s lives.


Almon, K. (2002). The vital role of play in early childhood education. Gateways, 43. Retrieved from

Strong. (2015). Play Quotes. The Strong National Museun of Play. Retrieved from



  1. Hi Staci,
    My parents also encouraged play during my preschool years. I have continued that tradition with my son although he's 12, I still encourage him to go out and play with other children in our neighborhood. Play help children to develop Healthy child relationships with other children. When I was in the classroom I promoted play everyday, creativity in their play, and encourage children to use their imagination. When children developed healthy play they also developed strong parent- child bond.

  2. Staci,
    Playing dress up was one of my favorite activities in school. Playing dress up and pretending to be someone or something else can allow children to explore their imagination . I would always play house with my sisters because I was the oldest and I could boss everyone around. I was always the mother and I enjoyed playing different roles. My parents also supported play by always allowing me to be involved in positive activities and learning.
