Saturday, August 1, 2015

Week 5-Research Around the World

Research Around the World

*What are some of the current international research topics?

-I chose to explore the website, Early Childhood Australia-A Voice for Young Children. This website is the Australian equivalent to the U.S. based NAEYC. Some of the current international research topics I found for 2015 are supporting literacy learning in the early years and inclusive pedagogy from a child’s perspective. In 2014 the research topics were intentional teaching: acting thoughtfully, deliberately and purposefully, ways of thinking, acting and relating about sustainability, pedagogy: programs and relationships in practice, and professional partnerships in children’s services: working together for children. 

* What surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website?

-While exploring the website I found it surprising that a lot of the topics are topics we are discussing/researching in the U.S. Australia’s Early Childhood statement, “A core function of Early Childhood Australia is to develop policies on early childhood education and care and advocate for the rights of children” (Early Childhood Australia) is something we are also striving for in the U.S. I found new ideas and parenting resources on the website. The parenting resource included: Children’s health and nutrition, separation anxiety, and transitions to school. These sources had great information to help guide parents. 

* What other noteworthy information did you find on this website?

-Other noteworthy information I found on the Early Childhood Australia website was the different credible publications available. “Early Childhood Australia is backed by over 50 years of producing innovative and essential early childhood material” (Early Childhood Australia). Some of these credible publications include: Every Child Magazine, Everyday Learning Series, Research in Practice Series, Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, and ECA Voice Newsletter.
Overall, this is a great website with lots of information for professionals and families.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Staci,
    Great topic I chose this one also. The website offers so much information as it relates child development. The topics were discussing very serious; I enjoyed the Children;s have rights. Yes, they do have rights, and with advocates being that "Voice" for them. And to continue finding resources. One day they will find a solution. I am so happy; to know that this fight, for (Early Childhood Development Care) will not end. Worldwide fight for a solution!
