Saturday, September 10, 2016

Week 2: My Family Culture

My Family Culture

If an unfortunate catastrophe happened in our country and I had to choose three items that I hold dear and that represent my family culture to take with me I would choose a family photo album, bible, and my wedding ring. The family photo album means a lot to me because it holds many dear memories I have with my family and of my children. This album would show my surface culture easily to others. The bible means a lot to me because it holds/represents my belief in God. Being a proud Christian is a part of my social identity. I would also choose to take my wedding ring as an item that I hold dear because it’s a big part of my social identity. With choosing to become a wife I have now become a mother. Being a wife and mother is my pride and joy and a major part of who I am. Upon arrival if I were told I could only keep one item and had to give up the other two items would be heart breaking. All three of these items I hold dear to my heart and it would be hard to give two up. Reflecting on this exercise reminds me how important and critical my family culture is to me. My family culture makes me unique. 

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