Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Week 2


"To teach is to touch a life forever."
                                                 -Anonymous Author

I have always loved this quote.  As a teacher, I touch the lives of my students every time I interact with them. It is my goal to have a positive impact on all the children in my care. By doing this, I can shape lives, which can have a lasting effect on society.

Writing Sample

I chose to share a Kindergarten student's writing samples (beginning of the year to end) because I am passionate about teaching young children. This student entered Kindergarten with limited writing skills and undeveloped social and emotional skills. Before his academic learning could take place, he needed emotional support. I provided a safe, nurturing environment where he could start to feel comfortable. Once this was accomplished he felt safe and ready to learn. His writing samples show his progress from limited letter sound correspondence to writing complete sentences. 

This picture exemplifies the spirit of young children. They are passionate about playing and learning with each other. I use this saying in my early childhood classroom. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I love your pictures and your quote. I reminders me of something I heard at a training couple a years ago. ( I am sorry I can not remember the speakers name.) But I do remember what he said " we as educators have 1000 days in which to Change, Inspire, and make a difference in a child's educational experience" I believe that this is very true, Children spend nearly 1000 days of their childhood in a classroom, I believe the not only is it our job but our duty to make just a piece of those days worth remembering.
