Thursday, July 18, 2013

Week 3

Personal Childhood Web

Lori- Lori is my mother. She is smart, affectionate, and devoted. My mother has influenced my life as a child and nurtured me by supporting me through every stage in my life, by loving me unconditionally, always speaking positively, and being involved in my activities and my personal life. My mother has always made me feel special by making me a priority. She always puts her children first. She continues to impact me by being a big part of my son’s life, supporting me as a mother and wife, supporting me as a teaching professional, and being a special confidant. 

Mark- Mark is my father. He is honest, supportive, and caring. My father has influenced my life as a child and nurtured me by being a positive role model, the rock of the family, loving me unconditionally, being involved in activities and my personal life, and by sharing in my highs and lows in life. My father has made me feel special by always taking time for me. He continues to impact me by giving me advice, being a wonderful “Papa”, and being a shoulder to lean on.

Nancy- Nancy is my maternal grandmother. She is unselfish, thoughtful, and loving. My maternal grandmother has influenced my life as a child and nurtured me by playing an active role in my childhood. My grandmother was always around playing with me, taking me out to dinner every Special Tuesday, attending all sporting events with her special treat bag, and bringing me my favorite sports drink. Every year she would go “back to school” shopping with my mother and me, pick me up from school for appointments, and take me to my favorite sub shop. My grandmother always made me feel special by making me feel like I was number one. She always was interested in my life and my activities. She continues to impact me by being a supporter in all my life events. Even though I might not see my grandmother daily as I did when I was a child, she is there for every life event and always a phone call away. 

Charles- Charles is my maternal grandfather. He is intelligent, eccentric, and quiet. My grandfather has influenced my life as a child and nurtured me by encouraging me in school. He is an individual that has education as a priority.  He pushed me to strive for the best in life. My grandfather has made me feel special by always taking an interest in my education.  He sat down with me a lot to hear about my successes and to tell me how proud he was of me.  He is still a part of my life and impacts me by taking a genuine interest in my career, my education, and my son.

Karen- Karen is my aunt and was my childcare giver when I was young. She is kind, easy-going, and funny. Karen has influenced my life as a child and nurtured me by providing another mother figure in my life. Karen was an aunt that was there to cuddle with and to provide a shoulder to lean on. She was involved in my sporting events and extra curricular activities. She has made me feel special by always having open communication with me and always loving me for me. She continues to impact me by taking part in my son’s life as much as possible, supporting me through my major life events, and being a good listening ear.


  1. Staci,
    I love your pictures of your family. It looks like you have a lot of support from a family who love you and want to see you do well in life.
    Do you feel like there is one person in your circle that gave you that extra push?
    Urie Bronfenbrenner said "Somebody’s got to be crazy about that kid. That is number one. First, last, and always.” Do you feel like you had that one person in your life that was crazy about you and that's why you are successful or do you feel each family member played a role in your success?

    1. Robin,
      Thank you for the kind comment. Yes, I do feel lucky to have a supportive family. The one person in my circle that gave me the extra push would be my mother. She is my best friend and has always been my biggest supporter. Looking at my life’s successes though I think every family member played a role.

  2. I love your pics. You had a lot of wonderful support has a child and now has a adult. I wonder if any of these folks helped or influenced you ion choosing this career path.

  3. I love your web, very creative!! I see that your family played a major role in being successful with your journey of life!! It is good when you have a good support system!

  4. Very well done...organized and informative. Great Job!!!
