Thursday, August 15, 2013

Week 7

Code of Ethics

Developmentally Appropriate Practice: 

“Developmentally appropriate practice requires both meeting children where they are-which means that teachers must get to know them well- and enabling them to reach goals that are both challenging and achievable.”
-NAEYC, Position Statement on Developmentally Appropriate Practice, 2009 

*As an early childhood educator I need to be ready for children at varying levels. I need to differentiate my instruction to meet the needs of each individual student. To do this I will identify each child’s strengths and weaknesses and form a relationship with each student so he/she will feel safe, secure, and comfortable to take risks. 


“We shall serve as advocates for children with disabilities and their families and for the professionals who serve them by supporting both policy and programmatic decisions that enhance the quality of their lives.”
-DEC, Code of Ethics, 2009 

*All children deserve an education regardless of having a disability and all families deserve support with parenting children with a disability. I am a teacher of all children. I do my best to advocate for each and every student. I took an oath when I graduated that I would serve my students and I am! 

Quality of Lives:

“We shall demonstrate our respect and concern for children, families, colleagues, and others with whom we work, honoring their beliefs, values, customs, languages, and culture.”
-DEC, Code of Ethics, 2009 

*I believe in treating others the way I want to be treated. When I interact with students, parents, and colleagues, I use respect and compassion. I am a role model and take the job seriously. Every person is unique and should be valued. 

The Division for Early Childhood. (2000, August). Code of ethics. Retrieved from 

NAEYC. (2009). Key Messages of the Position Statement. Retrieved from

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