Saturday, October 15, 2016

Week 7- Welcoming Families From Around the World

Welcoming Families From Around the World

I am working in an early childhood setting and received word that a child of a family who has recently immigrated to the United States will be joining my group soon. I want to prepare myself to welcome the child and her family. Luckily, I have been enrolled in this course about diversity and have learned that in order to support families who have immigrated I need to know more than surface facts about their country of origin. The student and her family have recently emigrated from the country of Nepal. Five ways in which I would prepared myself to be culturally responsive towards this family would be to research their customs/traditions, have pictures and art work up around the room reflecting Nepal’s customs, have common simply pictures with labels (using both languages), have all translation programs set and ready, find toys, music, books that the child would find familiar, and try to plan activities into the day that would reflect her culture. My hope is that these preparations will benefit my student, her family, and me. I believe that they will benefit my student because she will be around familiar things that she can relate to. The environment won’t seem so foreign to her. Her family should benefit as well from the familiar environment and also by seeing how I have invested my time and effort into learning about their country. Lastly, by investing time in the preparations, I should benefit by having a student who adjusts quicker with familiarity and by setting a positive tone with the family. A mutual trusting relationship should evolve between us all.

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