Saturday, October 22, 2016

Week 8 Professional Hopes and Goals

Wk8-Professional Hopes and Goals

One hope that I have when I think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds is that I continue to have an open mind and accept everyone for who they are. I feel as if I am always welcoming to my students and families that come into my classroom regardless of their culture. I provide all my students and families the same opportunities. I love each of my students for their special traits and for who they are. I make no judgements about my students based on diversity. I strive to make my classroom an environment where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued.
A goal I would like to set for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice is to advocate for diverse children and help better support their transitions. I feel as if I have many families that come to my classroom that really don’t know what to do to support their own children. A student I have this year is really struggling behaviorally and does not speak English. His mother is going to school full time at the University near my building and his father just left to go back to China. The student seems lost and confused in addition to his unique needs. His mother is also at a loss about how to better support him through this.

Thank you to all my colleagues for your responses and posts. Reading everyone’s thoughts and opinions made me really reflect on the course’s topics. I wish everyone the best of luck throughout the program and in your careers! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Staci,

    It is so welcoming to hear that you have unconditional love for all of the students that you educate. I find that having that belief and practicing that method leads to having a productive classroom environment and better relationship with your students' parents. Some suggestions that I would recommended for the student who is struggling is to have a daily one on one check in with him as a support, maybe arrange to have a meeting with mom about his behavior (talk about the good qualities that he has as student and socially). Find some resources for mom to consider joining a support/counseling group for both mother and child.
