Saturday, June 24, 2017

Week 7- Impacts on Early Emotional Development

Impacts on Early Emotional Development

Reviewing the eight different Countries by Region on the UNICEF website I chose to investigate the Eastern and Southern Africa region. I chose this region because in a previous course I did some research on this area and it intrigued me. I also learned through research there has been a lot of effort to help children in this region.  I found a very informational section of statistics by topic and country on the UNICEF website. This allowed me to gain insight on the different countries within the region I was investigating. When researching the Regional Office Website I found information about the region, what UNICEF does in the region, knowledge and extra resources, media center, fast facts on children, and information on children and youth.
As I researched this region I found numerous challenges that children face daily in the area. Some are violations of children’s rights, which include child marriage, FGM/C, sexual abuse and violence, and child labour. Child marriage is very common and many women are married before they are 18 years of age. FGM/C is a common practice, which can be very dangerous and harmful to women’s health. Commonly it is performed on young girls ranging from ages 0-15, although it can be later in life also. Sexual abuse and violence are common and many times not reported. It happens to both boys and girls but the females are more likely to be affected. Eastern and Southern Africa have the highest child labour rate. Other challenges include a low rate of birth registration that in turn does not allow children to attend school, poor nutrition and growth in children, low immunization rates, non-sanitary water, and hygiene. With poor nutrition, not the correct immunizations, and non-sanitary living conditions children’s health and development are put at a major risk. Children cannot properly develop and grow.
The experiences and living conditions of these children most definitely have effects on their health, emotional wellbeing, and overall development.  First, their physical wellbeing is in jeopardy due to lack of resources for healthy living. This has an effect on proper brain development and overall body functioning. Next, the emotional wellbeing of the children who face trauma is at risk. Most who experience trauma switch to a survival mode, which is not conducive to normal development. Finally, overall development is affected when children are challenged with the multitude of things the region investigated presents. The human brain and body cannot grow and develop properly when they are subjected to negative conditions. Therefore, the chance of normal growth and development is diminished.
Reflecting on my investigation in the Eastern and Southern region I have gained insight personally and professionally on the challenges and struggles young children face on a day-to-day basis. I learned that in many countries early childhood education does not exist, that the literacy rate is low, and that many students do not continue on to secondary education. I gained insight on child health in this region. This region has a high number of under age five deaths, a high percentage of pregnant women with HIV, and low rate of maternal health. Learning this information makes me sad that unborn and newborn child who are not properly taken care of face struggles to develop and be properly educated. My newfound insights on this region have influenced me as a person and as an early childhood professional. My heart aches for these children. Thinking about the challenges they face makes me so thankful for what my own children and students have. It inspires me to be the best mother and teacher I can be. Although at this point in my life I cannot help the children in Eastern and Southern Africa, I can help children in my immediate care. This gives me some comfort. Maybe someday I can help others too.


  1. I loved this week's assignment. I felt that this assignment was necessary. It truly opened my eyes to what I going on outside of the states. We fight for the rights of our children here in the states but who are the voices for the voiceless in these countries? It is heartbreaking to know that children, especially females go through so much pain and abuse. It is sickening to me that they are forced to grow up by working at a young age. They are also suffering because of their health.This makes me want to go harder for the children that need help.
    Thanks for sharing

  2. Staci,
    I enjoyed reading your post this week. You truly hit the nail on the head when you mentioned how early childhood education is not even available for these children. It saddens me because I feel like sometimes the early education field get taken advantage of when it comes the impact that it has on children.

    Thank for sharing

  3. Staci, great post!! FGM/C is something that was a topic of discussion in a class from undergrad, but we never discussed that they did that to infants. It's bad enough that it happens to adults. Also, I did not know that girls were married at such young ages. They are practically babies themselves!
