Saturday, July 15, 2017

Week 2- Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

Researching local and state organizations and communities of practice I found several insightful resources. The first organization that appealed to me is the Michigan Association for Education of Young Children. MiAEYC interests me because it is a non-profit organization that focuses on young children, their families, and early childhood professionals. “The Michigan Association for the Education of Young Children is committed to improving the education and welfare of children from birth through age eight” (MiAEYC, 2017, para. 2). The website provided membership information, professional development opportunities (including events and conferences), program information (such as scholarships and grants), public policies, location areas for MiAEYC members to be involved, research-based information for parents based on the age of the child, additional resources, job opportunities, and an area just for educators. I feel this organization and website would be particularly helpful to parents and educators who are committed to anti-bias work and effective early childhood practice. This organization “promotes quality education and the well-being of young children” (MiAEYC, 2017, para. 1). A community of practice that appealed to me is the Early Childhood Investment Corporation. This community of practice interests me because the investment corporation is meant to provide information and investment opportunities for early childhood children in Michigan. The investment is geared toward helping prepare children for kindergarten socially, emotionally, and academically. This community of practice is made up of individuals who share a strong belief in the early childhood field and want to improve young children’s education and well-being. The website provides up to date news about early childhood laws and press releases, government information, issues related to the field, and contact information for the governor heading this corporation. Another organization that appealed to me is the Association for Child Development. ACD interests me because it is a non-profit organization that focuses on educating parents and educators about nutrition. Educating parents and professionals about the importance of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is a great way to promote positive development. The website provides information in English and Spanish. It gives opportunities to join ACD, to donate, online training programs, how to become a provider, new meal patterns, ways to stay up to date on health information, and current events being held. I feel this organization and website would be beneficial to parents and educators who are committed to young children’s nutrition and development. This organization is dedicated to, “establishing healthy eating habits to last a lifetime” (ACD, 2017, para. 1). Another association that appeals to me is the Michigan Head Start Association. MHSA interests me because it is a non-profit association that is dedicated to being a voice for children, parents, and educators along with providing leadership opportunities. The website provides information on upcoming events, news/blogs/and press releases, leadership community opportunities, the importance of advocacy, resources for parents, and different locations where MHSA programs are conducted. I feel this association and website would be helpful for parents and educators who strive to support the early childhood education field and the well being of young children. These organizations and community of practices expanded my awareness, provided educational information, empowered my passion for the early childhood field, and provided great resources. 
            Job opportunities that interest me are RTI Coach, Early Childhood Special Education Coordinator, and Early Interventionist. Skills and experiences that I need to competently fulfill the RTI Coach (Response to Intervention) position are a valid teaching certificate, a minimum of three years with effective ratings, an understanding of common core standards, an extensive knowledge of reading/writing/literacy development/math, constructive collaboration and communication skills, experience in developing best practice instruction, experience in analyzing data, and experience in supporting teachers and development of differentiated instruction. Skills and experiences that I need to competently fulfill the Early Childhood Special Education Coordinator position are an Administrative Certificate, an Early Childhood Special Education Certificate, and behavior specialist training. Skills and experiences that I need to competently fulfill the Early Interventionist position are an Early Intervention Endorsement or Early Childhood Special Education Certificate, experience in organization and management skills, effective collaboration and communication skills, and be personable.


ACD. (2017). Welcome to the association for child development in illinois and michigan. Retrieved from

MiAEYC. (2017). Welcome to miaeyc. Retrieved from

MHSA. (2017). Our mission. Retrieved from

Reinventing Michigan. (2017). Early childhood investment corporation. Retrieved from,4668,7-277-57738_57679_57726-250478--,00.html

1 comment:

  1. Hello Staci,
    I was a member of the Mississippi Head Start Association it is a great opportunity for professionals to come together and learn from each other. We had numerous training's and workshops offered throughout the year for professional growth and development. At the time I was a head start teacher and I wanted to be apart of a community that supported educators, children and families. A Family Support Advocate needs knowledge in communications skills, experience in community service/human service agencies,and obtained a bachelors degree in related field of study. Often times you need additional skills and abilities to fulfill the job description such as 3 to 4 years of work experience. Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed learning about the different organizations in Michigan.
