Sunday, August 6, 2017

Week 6-Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

Researching international organization and associations I found several that interested me. The first international organization that appealed to me is the United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF. UNICEF interests me because it is a well-known effective organization that has been around for many years and is set out to meet the needs of every child around the world. UNICEF reaches children in 190 countries and territories (UNICEF, 2017, para. 1). This organization advocates for the right of every child through programs such as child protection and inclusion, child survival, education, emergencies, gender, innovations, supplies and logistics, and research/analysis. “UNICEF is committed to ensuring special protection for the most disadvantaged children - victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and exploitation and those with disabilities” (UNICEF, 2003, para. 5). The website provides a vast amount of resources and research, current projects, and locations where UNICEF is providing services. On the front page of the website, there is a search tab for different topics that affect children around the world, such as health, education, safety, vaccines, clean water, and play. I found this to be a valuable asset. I also was interested in the World Breastfeeding Week information. This is a personal topic that I am passionate about. I feel this organization and website would be insightful for individuals looking to make a difference in children’s lives around the world. Another international organization that appealed to me is Save the Children. This organization interested me because it focuses on providing children in the U.S. and around the world a strong positive start in life. “We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share” (Save the Children, 2017, para. 1). Save the Children is dedicated to making changes in children’s lives through nutrition, health, development, and education. This organization has created a network of individuals who are child sponsors along with professionals and advocates. The website provides information on how to become a sponsor or donate, a gift catalog, how to get involved, and how to join the cause, updated data reports, a newsroom, and a resource library. I feel this organization would be insightful for individuals who want to support or give to other children around the world. Another international association that appealed to me is the International Step-by-Step Association, ISSA. This association interests me because it is a community of practice where professionals can learn how to make education for all children and families effective and equitable. “ISSA champions the rights of all children to reach their unique, full potential and welcomes all organizations and individuals who have the same ambitions” (ISSA, 2017, para. 2). This association is dedicated to advocating and supporting the early childhood field. The website provides membership information, programs, services, donation options, publications, updated news in the relevant field, and addition resources. While researching ISSA I found that UNICEF (an international organization I did previous research on) supports ISSA. This association and website would be helpful to parents and educators who are committed to supporting children in the early childhood setting. The international organizations and association expanded my awareness about topics and issues around the world, provided educational information, empowered my passion for the early childhood field, and provided great additional resources.    
A job opportunity that interests me through the UNICEF website is the international professional staff member. “International staff members are recruited internationally and serve in all duty stations globally. They hold leadership, managerial or specialist functions which require a level of technical expertise” (UNICEF, 2017, para. 4). Skills and experiences that I need to competently fulfill this position are an advanced degree in a relevant field to the work in UNICEF, work experience relevant to the position, proficiency in English and in other Official UN working languages, knowledge the local language of the country where the position is located, flexibility in traveling, a positive personality, and a passion for children (UNICEF, 2017, para. 13). An opportunity that interested me through the Save the Children organization is volunteering in Illinois. “Illinois advocates are using their voices in a number of ways – many of which are often quite simple, yet highly impactful” (Save the Children Action Network, 2016, para. 3). To fulfill the volunteer position I would advocate through social media, join events, speak at events, and converse with elected officials. I found it difficult researching job opportunities that interest me through the ISSA website because it is considered a non-profit organization with only 1-10 employees. The headquarters are in the Netherlands and was founded in 1999. Continuing to research I did find an opportunity for an internship for communication graduates through ISSA. I also found it hard to find specific skills and experiences needed to competently fulfill this position. I did, however, learn that for internships such as this, students need to have a passion for exploring international education, association administration, and/or non-profit division work. A communication internship is one step towards beginning a career in international affairs, marketing, communications, writing, and event planning (American Foreign Service Association, 2017, para. 1). The three positions I researched all sound very interesting and look like I would gain valuable experiences and knowledge with each opportunity.


American Foreign Service Association. (2017) Communications internship. Retrieved from

International Step by Step Association. (2017). Issa an early years learning community powered by its members. Retrieved from

Save the Children Networking. (2016). Investing in kids-investing in illinois’s future. Retrieved from

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). (2003). About unicef. Retrieved from

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). (2017). Retrieved from


  1. Staci,

    I enjoyed reading your post as the international organizations you chose were very interesting. I am learning through the research that we are doing on the international, national, state, and local levels is that organizations have vast CoPs and they support each other in various ways. For example, as you mentioned, UNICEF supports ISSA in its efforts to provide education that is effective and equitable for all children. Regarding UNICEF, I was also interested in the information about World Breastfeeding Week. Having breastfed eight children, I know the health benefits for children and mothers, so it was interesting to know that recognition is given to the topic. Good job!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great points. Thanks for sharing the three international organizations that you selected within your blog. While reading your blog, I noticed how you mentioned some important concepts regarding each organization. Also through reading your blog, I noticed how we both selected the same international organizations. I do agree that the United Nations Children's Fund is a well known effective organization because through completing previous courses I have used this same organization. Through reading about each international organization it is viewed that these organizations are very supportive towards making a change in the lives of children and families.


  4. Dear Staci,
    I notice that a lot of us chose UNICEF because it is a great organization that impacts 190 countries. They help so many families and children that are in poverty driven areas. I am also passionate about traveling and helping others. I have helped many communities through my school, with mission projects but never traveled out of the country. I hope that one day we all can take part in some form of international impact/change.
